
Unveiling the Power of Storytelling: Transforming School Reputations in a Changing Landscape
Schools are poised to reimagine how they present themselves and engage with prospective students and families

"I'm not Siri" said ChatGPT...
A blog about, AI, scapegoat theory and a cycling trip to Scotland

Patricia Ward (Mum) Our great creative inspiration 3 Jul 1940 - 23 Mar 2023

Central Line to the New York Stock Exchange
RAW Brothers brand story telling reaches New York Stock Exchange

The Basement – New Youth Cafe in West London
RAW Brothers help develop brand for a new space and place for young people in West London.

It's behind you!
Does your digital first environment let you down?

Blue pill or red pill of Employee Experience (EX)
Stay in Wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes... We believe organisations are missing an opportunity to connect up their Employee Experience (EX).

New legacy home for cricketing legend Wilf Slack
New cricket centre partnership between Middlesex Cricket Club and William Perkin CofE High School

Future branding in the mental health sector
The mental health sector was beginning to modernise pre-pandemic but now in 2022 people are turning to tech and faster options

Truce at the watering hole
A great need means a change of behaviour – another approach for workplace leaders.

A little bit of Christmas brotherly love
After such a year as this RAW Brothers have decided to do something different again! Watch our fun little video...

Supporting local community with Aktivator ranger wrap
RAW Brothers were excited to take up their positions in supporting local rugby club foundation at Ealing Trailfinders

Bridging the hybrid gap
There's a gap emerging in where and how we work, a common word used to describe this gap between old ways of work and new ways of work is hybrid.

Hybrid (workplace)
Why has it taken a pandemic for major organisations to realise there’s a ‘hybrid’ way to work?

Are you ready for hybrid working?
Hybrid working is a term currently being used to explain the place where you might work coming our of COVID 19.

How to design workplace culture
RAW Brothers use a tried and tested method to help create stronger organisations. It’s all linked to these 3 simple words – Personality, People and Place.

What came out of the summer of kindness?
Saying thank you to the bus driver is common place again, shouting cheers up the road to the Amazon team as they deliver another parcel feels good.

Briefly leaving social in the distance
My reflections on the trip to the highlands and lakes were that we should focus on what we are good at. What we can add to the world and make a positive difference.

Go Human Launched!
We are helping organisations capture all the good stuff that has happened during COVID-19 lock down

Peel up the floor stickers take down the posters - what next?
There’s been a lot of talk about the future of the workplace amid the pandemic. What should your workplace strategy be?

Everyone Everywhere – RAW Brothers Short Film
We wanted to share something different, real and positive. We hope you like the short film.

Everyone Everywhere – People
A strong brand relies on having a great culture. Those that place authentic, real values at the heart of the organisation will truly connect people together.

Everyone Everywhere – Place
We are experiencing the largest change management programme ever in the shortest time in history. Trusting people to work at home and worrying about whether technology will work is history. It has worked and results will change business forever.

Everyone Everywhere – Personality
We believe organisations are more effective when they are united and moving as one. When people understand the magic behind their business purpose and begin to live their organisation’s values – everyone everywhere. That’s the power behind personality, people and place.

Will you explore this liminal space?
How will your brand personality survive in multiple spaces? How is your brand culture shaping up?

Is there a magician in you?
Are you a hero, a creator, a regular girl/guy or a lover? RAW Brothers can journey with you to help archetypes make your business more attractive, powerful, exciting and successful.

Why Alice is all of our stories now
The next steps we take in life, in business, in communities and families are going to look different.

Gold is found at the bend in the river
RAW Brothers believe brands and organisations are like people. They have personalities, they too go through challenging times, they to face the bend in the river and they too can collect gold in that place.

Everyone everywhere...
Do people champion your organisation or your brand? If you invest in business personality, you will reap the rewards of a more connected culture.

Generation Alpha Omega
How will different generations be encouraged and facilitated in working together?

Finding your educational ethic
As part of an ambitious growth strategy we worked closely with the leadership team to develop a new communications approach to support their vision.

Started in a forest - now we’re in the city
From large city vistas, some brutalist architecture and unfortunate close ups we are happy to celebrate 7 years as RAW Brothers!

Brotherly Love October 2019
Keep up to date with RAW Brothers news, alongside some treats that keep us inspired.

2020 – the year that we see purpose move beyond profit?
The design and creation of a space where people work is a great opportunity to deliver the purpose of an organisation.

Brotherly Love March 2019
Some more news and views from the RAW Brothers.

RAW Brothers Scrapbook Archives
Some stuff we collect makes it into scrapbooks. Here's a snippet from a few years ago.