Blue pill or red pill of Employee Experience (EX)

Everyone knows the scene in the Matrix where Neo is offered the choice to discover reality or continue being deceived by taking the blue pill or red pill. Today we live in a world where the genie is out of the bottle and the future of work is uncertain as organisations grasp with what work looks like for employees. But many organisations are still trying to live the old way even though most employees know the reality of new ways to work.
"You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
Morpheus – Matrix Film 1999
This quote is one of the most famous in modern Sci-Fi history, it makes an aside to Alice in Wonderland. The result that COVID-19 has had on the world of work is that we have all gone down the rabbit hole. The question is will we embrace it and explore what new opportunities there now are for a connected Employee Ex in the world of world.
Stay in Wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes...
We believe organisations are missing an opportunity to connect up their Employee Experience. Many organisations have a disjointed approach with different departments taking responsibility for different parts of the employee journey. Departments like HR, properties, brand and IT all have a role to play and can make a highly compelling Employee Ex when they work as one.
Yet money isn’t enough by itself to retain workers, who were almost as likely to cite intangible factors related to meaning. Job fulfilment and the ability to be one’s true self at work were ranked second and third among employees considering a job change.
PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022
Job fulfilment and finding oneself is intrinsically linked to purpose – the purpose of us as an individual and the purpose of us the organisation.
Who I am + Who we are = Common purpose
Many organisations are making the journey to discover and express their purpose, but not so many make a joined up connection for the employee journey. From the candidate experience, through to training and development, years of service and even alumni after departure. All of these touch points are a key opportunity to build the employee brand experience.
The disconnected Employee Ex

Employee opportunities missed
Potential employees are attracted to an organisation with a package, but then they face a disconnect with the reality of the package vision, for instance, their hybrid workplace experience. In the new hybrid world employers are having to work harder to build culture across multiple locations. Establishing a core business purpose is vital but linking that too accross as many touchpoint on the employee journey is key to holding on to staff and building motivation and a great team ethic.
Joined up approach to Employee Ex

A joined up Employee Ex connects these 6 areas:
Look – recruitment experience
Join – onboarding experience
Discover – immersive culture experience
Grow – development and training experience
Settle – long service experience
Depart – alumni experience
How creative thinking can link Employee Ex
We have worked for a number of years helping organisations bring to life their culture, brand purpose. Developing a joined up approach to Organisational Brand (Personality), Employee Engagement (People) and Workplace Strategy (Place) will enable you to create a compelling Employee Ex.
Four key areas to focus on for your Employee brand and experience:
Employee products and services throughout the lifecycle
Employee hybrid environments at home and in HQ
Employee leadership and team behaviours
Employee communications on and offline
RAW Brothers have a tried and tested methodology for working with organisation to create a great joined of Employee Ex. Our Personality People and Place approach will help you connect the different touch points across the employee brand journey.