A neat connection strengthens Area Sq brand communications

As a rapidly growing design and build business, Area Sq needed some inspired creative solutions to get their products and services noticed. Their communications needed a refresh, pulling their team together and conveying a strong brand personality to a broader audience.

RAW ran a series of research pieces with clients, suppliers, and throughout the organisation at all levels. What jumped out as a key philosophy driving both internal behavior and external service offer was that ‘everything we do is connected together’. This strong but simple ethos defined a new personality for the company, created huge positive momentum internally, and inspired a distinctive creative toolkit based on the idea of a ‘red thread’ to inform print and digital marketing.

“The Thread has helped us simply communicate one of the most important aspects of our business, that everything we do is connected together. RAW have brought fresh creative insight that helped the Area Sq brand successfully move forward”
Clive Lucking, CEO.