Back to the future (office)

and our medieval workplace

It's the 21st century. We can talk to anyone we want at any time – well almost. We can run businesses from anywhere in the world. We are only limited by our imagination, work ethic and time.

As individuals we often have more advanced computing power at home than in the office. So who needs an office to go to – does it have a future?

Let’s go back nearly a 1,000 years…


Here’s what RAW was like in the 11th century. Our ancestors worked studiously in their office at the time. Back then the office was connected to the medieval chancery; the local centre of administration. Rich and Andy (or their ancestors) would sit for hours designing new environments and spaces for businesses across the land.

Nice picture isn’t it – the beer flowed and the scrolls rolled out the door.

Some things still remain the same today. In the 21st century Rich and Andy still work together in an office, there’s still a few beers and the odd scroll. We love to work together, at times we are apart, but when we collaborate we are stronger. So the office is a great place to be. The biggest difference from 1,000 years ago, in fact even 10 or 20 years ago, is technology.

IT provides us with the ability to be highly mobile, agile, and is an incredible tool for creativity. But we also need to 'be' together, to relate, laugh, share and collaborate. The most successful offices in the future will be ones where IT releases, brings together and enables connectivity that’s fast and easy to use.

Imagine a whole wall in your office as a window into the New York design team or your Deli developers. You can walk up to the digital window and talk. This vision is just around the corner.


[ Dataton drives gigantic video wall produced video and audio lobby content for new Seattle office building ]

The future office will embrace technology and not limit it. It will understand individual’s needs and adapt. It will flex to allow teams to come together and be with each other. No longer will there be more power at home, everything will be connected together.

The most successful and profitable businesses will give employees freedom and a place to be together.


Today we use strategies to help clients explore the possibilities for their office. We help them create an environment that inspires their team and truly reflects their brand. This card deck is often used to help us through this process.

See the RAW experience library

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